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1 Deck.  Easy (>99%).  Skill.



To create a sequence of 48 cards consisting of 4 12-card sequences from Two to King in suit, reading from left to right and top to bottom.  The far right card in a row is consecutive with the far left card in the next lower row.  The last card in the last row is consecutive with the first card in the first row.  The sequence may start anywhere and end anywhere and empty spaces within the sequence do not count.  The only thing that matters is a proper sequence of 48 cards.



54 card spaces  - Fill in gaps (spaces) by moving the next highest ranking card in suit to the card to the left of the space into the space, or the next lower ranking card in suit to the card to the right of the space into the space.  A Two of a different suit can be played to the right of a King.  No card can be played to the left of a Two (unless there is a card to the left of the space, in which case a card of one rank higher than the card to the left may be played there). For example, if there is a 4 , then a space, then a 8, then either a 5 or a 7 can be played in the space.  The far right card in a row is consecutive with the far left card in the next lower row.  The last card in the last row is consecutive with the first card in the first row.   At the start of the game cards are dealt to 6 rows of 9 cards and the Aces are removed (the first 2 rows have an addition space at the end).  




Maze is a game of a type similar to Gaps.


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