Royal Marriage

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1 Deck.  Medium (35%).  Mostly Luck.



To discard all the cards except the Queen and King of Hearts.



stock (top left, face down) -  Turn over 1 card at a time to the tableau by clicking.  No redeals.


waste (bottom right) - where cards are automatically moved out of play.


tableau  - where cards are dealt from the stock.  Cards are dealt in a row.  The first card dealt is the Queen of Hearts, the last card in the deck is the King of Hearts.  Cards may be discarded if a single card is between two cards of the same suit or rank, or two cards are between two cards of the same suit or rank.  To discard a single card, simply click on it.  To discard a pair of cards, drag and drop one card onto the other.  The game is won when all cards are discarded between the Queen and King of Hearts.  When cards reach the end of the screen the cards will go down to the next row in serpentine fashion.



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