1 Deck. Easy (50%). Mostly Skill.
To move all the cards to the .
• | 4 piles (top right) - build from Ace to King. |
• | 8 piles (below ) - build . Move groups of cards if they are in sequence . If KingOnly is set, fill spaces with Kings or groups of cards headed by a King, otherwise fill spaces with any card or legal group of cards. At the start of the game 1 card is dealt to the first pile, 2 cards to the 2nd, and so on. The top card is face up. |
• | pile (left) - All cards available for play. Click on card to move it to the bottom of the stack, then move to either the or . At the start of the game 16 cards are dealt face up to this pile. |
AutoPlay KingOnly
Northwest Territory is a cross between Klondike and Flower Garden.
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