Will o the Wisp

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1 Deck.  Hard (19%).  Skill/luck balanced.



To group all the cards in sets of 13 cards in sequence down in suit from King to Ace.



7 tableau piles - build down regardless of suit.  Groups of cards in sequence down in suit may be moved as a unit.  A space can be filled by any card or legal group of cards. At the start of the game 3 cards are dealt to each pile, 2 face down and 1 face up.


stock (above the tableau) - Clicking deals 1 card to each tableau pile.  All empty spaces must be filled before a deal.



Whenever a sequence of 13 cards down in suit from King to Ace is formed, it will automatically be removed from play.



Same suit sequences should be preferred even though building is down regardless of suit.  The object is to build down in suit sequences.



Will o' the Wisp is a variation of Spiderette where the cards are dealt in the same fashion as EastHaven.  With fewer face down cards to clear, the game becomes slightly easier.  Will o the Wisp was invented by Albert Morehead and Geoffrey Mott-Smith in their book The Complete Book of Solitaire & Patience Games in 1949.


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